GESEA Practical Course 5th & 6th May 2018 – University of Pretoria

Event Description
Course Description and Objectives
To ensure patient’s safety in laparoscopic surgery, it is clear that future laparoscopic surgeons should possess objective measurable theoretical knowledge and practical skills, prior to undertaking any procedure, even under supervision, in the OR.
As part of its plan to standardize strategies and regulations for training in laparoscopy throughout Europe, the European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery (EAGS) in collaboration with ESGE and EBCOG has conducted extensive scientific research resulting in a validated programme of exercises for acquiring and testing laparoscopic psychomotor skills.
LASTT is a validated assessment and certification method which measures and evaluates psychomotor skills in camera navigation, hand-eye and bi-manual coordination.
All exercises are executed in dry-lab set-up, with participants working together in pairs, and under the strict procedural guidance of instructors.
The course is open to all delegates interested in laparoscopic surgery, experience level is indifferent.
At the conclusion of the course the clinician will
- be assessed on his/her psychomotor skills level
- be ranked by comparison with benchmark performance data of representative experienced laparoscopic surgeons receiving a red, green or yellow colour code at each test.
- receive a final report of competence in laparoscopic
- Will have received extensive information off all modalities of the GESEA programme
Course Programme
Laparoscopic psychomotor skill Assessment
Participants are invited to test the basic laparoscopic skills through the LASTT method developed by +he Academy. For the first time a scientific validated method has been defined where, independent of the medical skills, the required psychomotor skills for Laparoscopy are being assessed. Participants will go through an assessment of three exercises, performed in a pelvic trainer box and using the appropriate endoscopic equipment and instruments.
The individual scoring data will be introduced by an Academy associate into the on-line Academy Scoring Platform and the individual reports will be printed on location. The reports are part of the final reporting package, but will also be available for each individual participant.
General flow
Dates and Times: (Maximum 18 participants)
Saturday 5th May: 08h30 to 16h30 (18 Participants)
08h00 Registration
08h30 Welcome and introduction
Theoretical session (60 min)
During this lecture session participants will be informed on the training possibilities in South-Africa in general and in Cape Town in specific. Furthermore they will receive an overview of the ESGE GESEA training programme, including the laparoscopic and hysteroscopic training models of +he Academy
Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgical Education and Assessment (GESEA) Programme
Dr Abri de Bruin/Professor Alp Numanoglu
Administrative information
Clive van Geems
Practical Sessions
- The Laparoscopic Skills Training and Testing (LASTT) method
Hands-on session LASTT (120 min) The session starts with an introduction of the method by the Mentor from +he Academy. Participants are invited to go to the workstations in pairs to execute the runs of the first exercise. The workstations are positioned along the walls of the room with a minimum of 1 meter in between.
- The Hysteroscopy Skills Training and Testing (HYSTT) method
Hands-on session HYSTT (30 min) The session starts with an introduction of the method by the Mentor from +he Academy. Participants are invited to go to the workstations in pairs to execute the runs of the first exercise. The workstations are positioned along the walls of the room with a minimum of 1 meter in between.
- The Suture Training and Testing (SUTT1 & SUTT2) method
Hands-on session SUTT This session starts with an introduction to :
- positioning of a needle
- Tying of a surgical knot (forming the C)
- Practicing of the SUTT1 or SUTT2 exercises (whichever is applicable).
Sunday 6th May: 08h30 to 16h30 (18 Participants)
SUTT1 and SUTT2 Training and Practice Sessions