ENT Course

Event Description

FESS and Septo-Rhinoplasty Course

40 participants will be able to attend lectures and view Prof Stammberger and Prof Simmen do cadaver demonstrations. The demonstrations will be viewed from a separate lecture room where delegates will be able to interact with the guest faculty, ask questions and discuss techniques.Laboratory dissection will be available for a limited number of 16 participants for the FESS course and 8 participants for the Rhinoplasty course.


8th Cape Town Course on Rhinosurgery

Held under the auspices of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa

Register for FESS course

Venue: Surgical Skills Training Centre, 6th floor ICH Building,Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, Klipfontein Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa

This course is finished

  • The course has been designed to familiarize participants with theanatomy and physiology of the nose and sinuses, to discussadvances in diagnosis and treatment and to demonstrate surgicaltechniques available to manage specific pathologies. Prof HeinzStammberger and Prof Daniel Simmen will give lectures and docadaver demonstrations over the course period
    Surgical anatomy of the nose, pre-operativeexamination, radiological anatomy, management ofrecalcitrant sinusitis,olfaction–the importance,evaluation and preservation thereof,surgical approach to basic FESS, the management of the frontal sinus,complications in FESS and the avoidance andtreatment thereof.
    Laboratory Dissection Participants
    •   R12 October Septo-Rhinoplasty Max. 8 dissection participants: R3,500.00
    •   13/14 October FESS Max 16 dissection participants: R7,000.00
    •   12-14 October Both courses R10,000.00
    •   Observers (separate lecture room but interaction with guest faculty) Attendance on all 3 days R2,500.00

Built Process